Modern Digital Media and Film Production involves continuous advances of technologies and innovations

Key technical achievements are: LED Volume shooting system, GPU drives of immersive backdrop display, visual effect Imageries adapted into Game Engine database, then a servo system can motion, rendering and manipulate by a camera-character-prop in a 3D volume, responding correctly following the director’s demanded perspectives.   

Only few people in the world so far mastered the knowhow, which StudioXfollowed and associated since its beginning in 2018. So far we pushed the proprietary knowledge into practices, addressing real-time on-site issues for the new technologies perfection. 

Content issues: so far only major Hollywood studios are capable in building LED Volume (LV)) virtual production soundstages. Each one in the meantime possesses aa dedicated major IP brand series production, integrated with the LV, e.g. Mandalorian, Star Trek & Chicago File. This high-budget production covers high-expenses LV’s investment and operations.


Value Proposition to Industry: We emphasize Virtual Production’ performance-cost ratio, aiming to populate the new technology’s applications to mid and low budget, and short and mew-format productions, in parallel to less famous IP’s low-budget series franchise.

Mastered the Creative Development: Own the proprietary development of Film Series, e.g. Red Darwin by Craig Talmy, or own founder member.  

Mastered the Visual Effect Pipeline: We practiced and proven efficiency of shorter and flexible applications of LV, e.g. A reality show in virtual-reality live with audience participation in real-time, a new format of LV applications, that achieves 4 times perday of location or set shootings. 

Master content distribution: Successful introduction, practices and problem-solving in LV applications, e.g. through contracted hands-on supervision, we proved and convinced seasoned production crews with feasibility, to be users of our plan facility. 

Already build above value before start to build StudioX’s own LV facility. The reason to build: (1) utilize the technology with dedicated proprietary applications; (2) cost-reduction; (3) own a valuable industrial real-estate asset for attracting debt-capital investment for supporting the crucial cash-flow..  

Networked Model: self-adept project/production crew with skill-set nodes

  1. Visual Technologies, Algorithms and Tools
  2. Virtual Production, of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Extended Reality (XR)
  3. Electronic Display: Handhold, Flat Panel, LED Volume, Digital Marquee, Projection Mapping and Lidar
  4. High-speed Imagery: GPU parallel drivers, Game Engine Rendering
  5. Visual Effect Pipeline: Industrial Standard + Virtual Production (Real-time Immersive Visualization)
  6. Engineering Cybernetics: IoE (internet of everything) Sensing and Servo close-loop system
  7. Artificial Intelligence (AI): Thinking Engine and Cognition Engine with Cloud Computation & Big-data; Sensor-actuator with Ground Big-data. CG Characters and user-directed Virtual Characters
  8. StudioX is closely associated with a startup accelerator, DBA: Canada’s Technology Innovation Park, initiated and led by Johann Kuhn.
  9. Matrix Resource-Project Model: Talents with specialty as Row; Project/production as Column